EB under snow 3

Photo courtesy of Father Paweł Trzopek OP, École Biblique, Jerusalem.

EB under snow 2

Photo courtesy of Father Paweł Trzopek OP, École Biblique, Jerusalem.

EB under snow 1

Photo courtesy of Father Paweł Trzopek OP, École Biblique, Jerusalem.


From Fr. Olivier Poquillon o.p., Director, École Biblique on the situation in the Holy Land (from his X account):

“On December 26, the École celebrated St. Stephen on the site of his martyrdom—a prayerful and peaceful celebration, in the hope that 2025 will lead us closer to peace once more. Thank you to all of you for sharing with us in this time of communion as brothers and sisters.”

Edward Jackman Postdoctoral Fellowship of the CFEB

January 23, 2025. The Board of the Canadian Friends of the École Biblique (CFEB) has recently created the Edward Jackman Postdoctoral Fellowship. This fellowship is worth up to $25,000 and is granted once a year.

It offers recent recipients of a Ph.D. in Biblical studies or an equivalent degree the opportunity to spend one or preferably two full terms at the École biblique et archéologique française de Jérusalem during the regular academic year.

This fellowship program honours the memory of Father Edward J.R. Jackman (1940-2021), a founding member of the Canadian Friends of the École Biblique, lovingly remembered  for his commitment to the École and to its scholarly mission.  

Applications will be received until April 30, 2025 for a fellowship starting in October 1, 2025.

For more details, see Scholarships section.

Click to read about Fr. Olivier’s arrival at the École.

Our Scholarship Recipients Say....

“I experienced what some of the brothers called “the magic of the École”–the circumstantial meeting of other scholars in my field and recognizing how significant the works of the brothers at École, past and current, have been on my own research. … I spent most of my time at École in the library.”
– Aleksander Krogevoll (May to June 2023), Volda University College, Norway 

“…the working environment and the library were excellent. I very much enjoyed the twenty-four-hour access to the library, the ample desk space, easy access to the stacks, and quiet and stillness to think and reflect in the garden. … There were numerous books at the École I otherwise would not have had easy access to …”
– Xenia Chan (summer 2023), Assistant Professor at Augustana University, Sioux Falls, South Dakota 

“As well as providing me with a sharper geographical awareness, this study and research trip has fleshed out the bigger picture of Jerusalem’s history for me, thanks to the expert guidance offered by the École in the person of the extremely likable frère Yunus, assisted by the contributions from a small number of the Dominican brothers, who took turn sharing their extensive expertise with us, both in the classroom for the theoretical stuff, and in situ with the various museums and archeological sites.”
– Stéphane Saulnier (February to May 2023), Newman Theological College, Edmonton AB 

“I am extremely grateful for the generous support of the Canadian Friends of the École Biblique. The École offered an ideal (and truly idyllic) scholarly and research environment for my work.”
– Daniel Fisher (2014), Hebrew Union College, Cincinnati OH