A message from Fr. Olivier Poquillon o.p., Director, École Biblique on the situation in the Holy Land. Click here for the message.
Find here the monthly school newsletter put out by the École.
Jérusalem, May 2024
Les Jeudis de l’ÉBAF
Barthélémy Enfrein: Cyril of Alexandria in dialogue in the Homilies on Luke. Watch again on YouTube.
Charlotte Damiano: The origins of the city in Mesopotamia: State of the question, definitions. Watch again on YouTube.
Next conference: See you in October!
École Students on Study Trip to Jordan
The second semester at the École Biblique et Archéologique française de Jerusalem continues with the traditional study trip to Jordan for students! Between exploration of Wadi Rum and Petra, biblical remains of Mount Nebo and archaeological discoveries of Jerash… The stay is intense! Charlotte Damiano, scholarship holder of the Academy of Inscriptions and Belles-Lettres, looks back on this significant experience of her year at the École.
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In memoriam Marcel Sigrist, OP, Assyriologist and Sumerologist of the École
The Dominican friars and the members of the École Biblique et Archéologique française de Jerusalem salute the memory of Brother Marcel Sigrist, OP (1940-2024), former director and professor of Assyriology, who died on May 3 in Strasbourg. They entrust it to your prayer.
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David A. Desilva: Testimony of an Explorer in the Holy Land
Meet David A. deSilva, visiting professor at the École Biblique et Archéologique française de Jerusalem for a few months. Find out more about this American who is crisscrossing the Holy Land to prepare his next courses… and a future book!
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Celebration of the Translation of the Relics of Saint Dominic to the Saint Etienne Convent
Friday, May 24, the brothers of the Saint-Étienne Convent and members of the academic community of the École Biblique et Archéologique française de Jerusalem celebrated the feast of the translation of the relics of Saint Dominic. Tradition dictates that Franciscans and Dominicans celebrate together the feasts of their founding fathers.
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The Spirit of Pentecost and the Mission of the Friars of the École Biblique et Archéologique française de Jerusalem
Celebrated fifty days after Easter, Pentecost commemorates the gift of the Holy Spirit to the apostles. It’s an opportunity for believers to welcome the Spirit and live their faith to the full, including at ÉBAF.
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End of the academic year: Friday May 31
Researchers wishing to work at the School library this summer must complete the admission form and send it by email to the librarian, Fr. Bernard Ntamak, op.
Registration deadline: June 10
Help students have this unique experience: study the Bible and archeology in the field, continue researching, writing while contributing to the life of the communities of the Holy Land.
The 2023-2024 Academic Calendar (in French).
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